
Victoria – our Administrator – has departed!

1st February 2024

Around 2 weeks ago we marked a very special day for a very special person: Victoria Logan. She has been on staff at South Belfast Foodbank for over 4 years and had the role of Administrative Manager. She has left to take up an exciting new role in another organisation, so we wanted to take the chance to say a MASSIVE “thank you” to her for her extremely hard work, dedication, wisdom and skills in helping us make a difference to people’s lives in South Belfast acting as the Foodbank administrator. She will be very missed and there will feel like a big hole in the organisation with her departure.

We put on a secret and surprise celebration for her last Friday – with a really amazing amount of volunteers turning up to celebrate and thank Victoria and to wish her well. We all contributed to a small food hamper, recognizing the amount of food boxes she herself has helped to give out to people in need. It felt a right and fitting way to honour and bless Victoria for her hard work by giving her a food box that we made especially for her.

Previously to her taking up a staff position within SBFB, Victoria was also a volunteer with the foodbank for around 5 and a half years. She ran a Monday night session during this time, acting as the shift leader and leading that team/evening so well and so confidently. In fact, Victoria has been around since the very start of this project, helping me set up and establish the foodbank and basically getting it off the ground and up and running. So she has been a hugely important person and contributed at all the critical stages of the life of this project. It really is hard to put into words just what her contribution has meant to me and to the project, but more importantly, what impact it has had on people in need. Thank you just doesn’t cut it. Which is why we had to organise something a bit more special.

Thank you Victoria for all the answered phones – people calling up in need. Thank you for all the answered and sent emails, numbering in the thousands upon thousands. Thank you for the chats to me, the volunteers, the people needing our help. Thank you for the hours of volunteering and then the hours of hard work. Thank you for the prayers you’ve prayed, the chats you’ve had, the contributions to planning, operations, strategies. THANK YOU for everything.

But we now wish her so well in her future as she takes on a new job. She will go onto great and immense things and we are sure she will make just as big an impact within her new employer.

Bruce Gardiner-Crehan

South Belfast Foodbank Manager

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