Contact Us

If you need food please contact a referral agency or email [email protected] or phone 077 4333 2489 or use the form below or phone us so we can direct you to the most appropriate agency to give you a foodbank voucher.

If you're looking to volunteer with us, please see our current volunteering opportunities on this webpage here:

Call our local helpline

If you are in financial crisis and live in Northern Ireland, please call 0800 915 4604 for free (open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm) to talk confidentially with a trained Advice NI adviser. They can help address your crises and provide support to maximise your income, help you navigate the benefits system, and identify any additional grants you could be entitled to. The advisers can also provide specialist debt and budgeting advice to people calling the line. If needed, they’ll issue you with a voucher so you can get an emergency food parcel from your local food bank.

Email us

Contact details

Phone us

077 4333 2489

119 University Street,

If you need food please contact a referral agency or email [email protected] or phone 077 4333 2489

If you are an agency wanting information about making a referral or becoming a Referral Agency please email [email protected]

For updates please regularly visit the Updates page on this website.

Directions via Google Maps