
Help over Christmas 2024

South Belfast Foodbank office  is closed from Friday 20th December until 2nd January. Foodbank appointments will restart Monday 6th January

If you are in urgent need of food during this time, please contact one of the following who are kindly holding some of our Emergency Foodboxes.

Belvoir Parish Church

Contact Person – Carson Bell

Contact Details – 07742 753146- all days from Sat 21st to Mon 6th Jan  between the hours of 5pm and 10pm.

EXCEPT    24th,  25th,  31st Dec, and Jan 1st


City Church

Available weekdays 9:30am – 2pm until 24th December

Phone 07982 940534


Mornington Community Project (117 Ormeau Road, BT7 1SH)

Friday 27th Dec – Phone Ian 07711913358 between 10am and 1pm

Collect boxes between 12pm and 1pm

Friday 3rd Jan  – Phone Heather 07742288648 between 10am and 1pm

Collect boxes between 12pm and 1pm


 Alliance Party Office (Paula Bradshaw)

2nd and 3rd January

Contact Details – [email protected] – or 02890328162



Help over Christmas 2023

If you need food during the period of our Christmas closure – 23rd December to 2nd January – please contact one of the following who are holding a small supply of Emergency Foodboxes.

Emergency Foodboxes

The following will have a small supply of Emergency Foodboxes  over our period of closure-

Belvoir Parish Church 

Contact Carson Bell

22nd, 23rd, 26th,27,28th,29th,30th, December

2nd, 3rd January

Contact 07742 735146       Between 5pm – 10pm 


Alliance Party (Paula Bradshaw’s office)

Phone 02890328162 – leave a message. Voicemail will be checked regularly .


Mornington Community Project

Contact 07927398161    or    07599803871

Wednesday 27th 12.00 to 2.00

Friday 29th Dec: Normal Drop in 12.00 to 2.00

City Church, Belfast  are hosting a free Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day at Common Grounds 12-24 University Avenue, Belfast between 12pm and 2pm. They also have a supply of Emergency Boxes that people can be directed to on Christmas Day.

Contact Neto – 07982940534 Christmas Day Only 

Our Move is Complete!

We are happy to say our move to our new premises of 119 University Street is complete.  Our guests have been welcomed  to our new foodbank supermarket rooms where they can select their own food and receive 1:1 support from trained volunteers at our various weekly sessions.

Our office is now in this building too.   Our phone numbers remain the same.

We have also revamped our set up at  Belfast City Mission Hall venue so that our guests have an improved experience there also.

Our warehouse will remain at
Unit 4
Sunwich Street

 Back to News

January 2023 Emergency Foodboxes

Due to moving premises we have to pause our face to face sessions until the week of 16th January.

If you need food during this time  please contact one of the following who are keeping a supply of  Emergency Foodboxes for us.

Belvoir Parish Church 

Contact Carson on 07742 753146

Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm (10:00 – 20:00 )


City Church 

Neto on 07982 940534

Times from 9:30am- 4:40pm (9:30-16:00)


Alliance Party (South Belfast) Paula Bradshaw’s Office 

Phone Micky on 02890 328162

10am – 4pm ( 10:00 -16:00 ) If there is no answer please leave a voicemail these will be picked up regularly.

Mornington Community Project

Phone or Text 07599 803871





Emergency Foodboxes Christmas 2022

If you need food while the foodbank is closed for Christmas 23rd December – 3rd January there are a few places keeping Emergency Foodboxes.

Contact one of  the below

Belvoir Parish Church 

Contact Carson on 07742 753146

23rd December 5pm-10pm (17:00 -22:00)

26th-30th December 5pm-10pm  (17:00 -22:00)

2nd January 5pm-10pm  (17:00 -22:00)


City Church 

Neto on 07982 940534

Times from 9:30am- 4:40pm (9:30-16:00)  27-30  December 2022


Alliance Party (South Belfast) Paula Bradshaw’s Office 

Phone Micky on 02890 328162

10am – 4pm ( 10:00 -16:00 ) If there is no answer leave a message these will get picked up regularly.

Friday 23rd Dec
Saturday 24th Dec
Monday 26th Dec
Friday 30th Dec
Saturday 31st Dec
Sunday 1st Jan
Monday 2nd Jan
Tuesday 3rd Jan


Mornington Community Project

Phone or Text 07599 803871

from 11am -12:30 pm (11:00 -12:30)

28th, 29th, 30th December



Reverse Advent Christmas Appeal 2022

Please consider supporting us this Christmas during our reverse advent appeal. Would you consider donating one of each of the following items to us this Christmas season? Collect these items and then donate them to us in any of the following ways…
1. If you purchase your shopping at Tesco Newtownbreda, Tesco Lisburn Road or Dunnes Annadale Embankment then pop the items to donate into the collection point.
2. Drop the items directly to us when our warehouse is open. Our warehouse is open every Wednesday 1-3pm and Thursday 10-12pm. Click below for our location.

Please donate the items by week beginning 5th December to give us time to distribute for Christmas.

Help us to help those struggling this winter period. Get involved!

Face to Face Sessions 2022

We are so happy to be meeting people face to face once again. We are doing this in a slightly different way now.  We have organised our sessions so that those that have been referred have a 1:1 appointment with a trained volunteer. The person can select their own food, toiletries, household and baby items from our supermarket style centres. The volunteer will also spend time listening and if appropriate offer signposting and onward referrals to other sources of appropriate help if desired. We have opened two centres and hope to have more soon. We are loving this new way of working as we feel it restores some dignity and allows time for meaningful conversations. We want to be there to support people through their crisis and to enable them to better address the root cause. If you would like to know more please do contact us – click here for contact details 

We currently have 2 session running: Tuesdays is located at Belfast City Mission, off Sandy Row, BT12, between 10:30m-3:30pm. Wednesdays is located at All Saints Church, on University Street, BT7, between 10:30-4pm.

We are planning on opening a third day, based at All Saints Church, on Thursdays. Launch date in August 2022. Watch this space.