
2021 Impact

17th February 2022

2021…what a year! Many highs and lows along the way as we supported the many struggling folks in South Belfast.
It is important to remember that behind every number is a person with difficult circumstances they are navigating through.
Behind every kg donated are churches, businesses, schools and individuals with a heart for hurting people with a desire to help.
It is always amazing to look back over the year in order to see our impact so here they are for your information.
Total stock in is 39 tonnes
Total stock out is 48 tonnes
Total people supported is 4959 (3065 adults and 1894 children)
Total vouchers redeemed is 2218
This is massive and we could not have achieved all of that without the whole team…Trustees, staff and most especially the volunteers!
A LOT of tins have been dated. a LOT of food have been collected. A LOT of boxes have been delivered. It is fantastic to look back.

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